Well, I’m afraid there’s not a whole lot of journaling going on here because, quite frankly, there’s not much to talk about. The past couple of days have been spent mostly cleaning, and organizing my new home. I have cooked a number of meals though, which has been fun. I’m also very pleased with my new purchases. My wok, my electric pressure cooker, my big chopping knife and bamboo cutting board, my chopsticks and new china are all coming in handy as I explore the nearby super market for food that I recognize! Thankfully a number of the labels have English on them as well, saying what the item is! I have yet to find a product that lists the ingredients however… I wonder what other customers must think as I try to smell through the packaging to figure out if what is on the inside is worth buying! Opening the packages when I get home is kind of like Christmas. So far I like most of the presents.
I found Soba noodles and some tasty seaweed. I also bought something called Dou. It was in the spice section and smelled good so I went for it! They turned out to be salty little berry sized thingies. They’re probably seaweed but I’m not sure. All I know is it goes well in a carrot, cabbage, onion stir fry with a hint of garlic and sesame seeds. The stir fry goes on top of the Soba noodles. I’ve decided that I really like Chinese food. I am looking forward to inviting some people over for dinner eventually. That will be the real test due to the fact that I will eat just about anything; especially when I’m hungry!
I’ve often wondered what kind of person I would be when I actually “moved out”. You know like, what kind of food would I buy? Would I keep my place clean or allow it to be a pigsty? What kind of sleeping schedule would I have? And the list goes on. Well, at thirty years old I’ll actually be able to answer these questions of mine! This will be the first time that I can say I’m living alone and taking care of myself! I’ve always lived with family or a room mate and in that context it’s all too easy to start pointing figures instead of taking full responsibility for messes and no food in the cupboards! “Well, he didn’t clean his pan last time either.” “Hmmm, maybe if I slip this bowl into this dirty dish pile nobody will notice!” “What’s the point in busting myself cleaning when someone is just going to mess it up?” These are all things that have run through my head while debating cleanliness. Food has always been a muddle issue as well. Who would cook? What food would we buy? It’s been a conversation instead of a monolog. In India I lived alone, but it doesn’t really count considering I had someone cooking all of my meals and maids that came by every once in a while and shined things up!
Yep, this year will be revealing or determining a lot about me. What will I do with freedom? What will I do with responsibility? I realize that most people my age have already answered these sorts of questions. I also realize that with every decision I make each day I’m creating the answer. It’s not that the answer is already determined and I will just be finding out. No, I have the power to create good habits or bad habits; habits that weaken or habits that strengthen.
Well, so far I’ve decided that at least when I have no other responsibilities, I do a pretty decent job cooking and keeping the place clean. In fact, it’s even enjoyable! I get a nice sense of accomplishment when I’m making something shine again. I have determined that the sensation of clean feet on a clean floor is well worth the effort!
Wow, it’s kind of amazing how much I wrote about “nothing”! I guess I’ve been doing something important; all-be-it rather common functions.
Here’s some other random news:
I was asked to preach a week of prayer in English for an Adventist school in Hong Kong. I am excited about the prospect. I miss preaching and I’m quite certain I wont be doing much of it for quite some time. The week of prayer that I’ll be speaking for will most likely take place in April of next year. A little further ahead than I usually plan, but none the less I am excited!
There’s a group of about thirty or forty people that perform some sort line dancing in the street outside my apartment every night. People start showing up around 7:30 PM and at about 8:30 there’s a large group. They all follow the same movements. It is quite elegant. I guess I’ll sit back and soak in the sights, sounds and experiences of my new environment for a while. So that’s all for now folks!