Category: China
Over the River and Through the Woods
Sunday the 16th of June. Today, John and I hiked 14 kilometer over the hills and through the woods to another city. It misted and rained pretty much the entire time— a wonderful alternative to the heat stoke we would have suffered had we hiked on a sunny day. It was the same trail I… Read more
Deciphering The Code
Friday the 13th of June: I am in Hong Kong again for a few days. I have to leave China every thirty days for visa reasons. Crazy, its already been almost a month that I have been in China. How time flies. I am feeling very hopeful about my stay here. It keeps dawning on… Read more
Exercise in China
Tuesday the 10th of June I’ll start with some old news that I haven’t gotten around to sharing. I found out the dance phenomenon that happens in the street outside my window is not particular to my part of town. Apparently it is a big thing in China! I took the bus to meet a… Read more
Expanding Horizons
Friday the 6th of June: Some strong winds blew in some rainy weather yesterday. The rain continues through today. Yesterday, I ran from the filth floor to the twenty-ninth floor of my apartment building, looking for some good exercise. I almost left my lunch up on top of the building. I think it was a… Read more
Catching Up
As I looked through my journal I see there are posts I failed to share. So I’ll share them now: Friday the 9th of May. Day three in Hong Kong. I arrived a few days ago, here in Hong Kong. John, my contact in the China union, picked me up from the airport. It seemed… Read more
First Trip in China and More
6/3/14 Once again I’ll be catching you up on the past 10 days! Wow, how time flies! Some general news is, my staple diet has been established. Stir fry and soba noodles. (I don’t know if you still get to call it stir fry if you are steaming rather than frying. In any case,… Read more
About Nothing
5/23/14Well, I’m afraid there’s not a whole lot of journaling going on here because, quite frankly, there’s not much to talk about. The past couple of days have been spent mostly cleaning, and organizing my new home. I have cooked a number of meals though, which has been fun. I’m also very pleased with my… Read more
First Day in Nanning, China
05/17/2014Yesterday was my first full day in Nanning. I had a leisure morning and then spent the afternoon looking for apartments. We looked at four different kinds. Non of them were entirely convincing. They were either too big or too small. It was hopeful though. I am convinced that I will be able to find… Read more
Arriving in Nanning, China
05/16/2014 I arrived in Nanning, China last night. The flight from Hong Kong was only an hour and thirty minutes. It felt like we had barely reached altitude before starting our decent. I spent the last week in Hong Kong getting over jet lag and getting orientated on how things work here in China. I… Read more
A New Fruit
I tried a new fruit today. No idea what it is called but I give it an 8 or a 9 over all. Easy to eat, great texture, pleasant flavor. It is like opening up an instant bowl of cream of wheat. You know, like the texture it gets when you let it cool down.… Read more